Thursday, November 8, 2012

Men Ink Pin Up Calendar Viewing and Voting!

On October 21st, I and a three other great photographers got to participate in something truly challenging and surprisingly fulfilling. I was contacted earlier in the month by the staff at Men Ink to participate with three other very different photographer's to shoot a pin-up style magazine in conjunction with Orton's Pool Hall in Wilmington, NC. They chose four rising, local Photographers, with extremely different styles and backgrounds to shoot one day in a bar with 12 models depicting a modernized version of Pin-Up Photography. The goal of the magazine was to raise awareness to certain businesses, photographers and models by hosting the shoot and then a series of release parties. One of the release parties would be held specifically for the voting of which photograph would be chosen for the cover of the calendar and also for the most beautiful model. The prize for winning being cash awards for the prettiest gal and cover stories for the photographers work. The second in the series of parties involves a meet and greet with the models and photographers where you can purchase glossies of the work, the calendar and have it autographed as well. The main focus of the latter event is to also sell the calendars where as Men Ink in their charitable generosity is donating proceeds to the Full Belly Project.

The Full Belly Project is a non-profit organization that creates appropriate technology for rural communities. Their mission is to distribute income generating agricultural devices to improve life in these rural communities. They design products that are affordable, self-propelled, income generating, durable and culturally acceptable. Their machines are used in over 36 countries and 4 continents!

Back to a little about the contest. We spent the Saturday evening before at a meet and greet with the models and makeup artists. Let me tell you that meeting a model only 16 hours ahead of a shoot with no idea what they look like, what they will be wearing, what the makeup artist can do and then trying to come up with a pleasing scenario without this knowledge in an underground bar with little existing light is a challenge to say the least. The Fairy Circle, a local Wilmington, NC consignment shop, did their best to provide appropriate clothing as close to vintage 50's pin-up as possible. I could be wrong but I think Edge of Urge somehow worked themselves into the clothing as well. The day of the shoot... some of the girls brought their own makeup artists. In usual model fashion we had two drop off at the last minute. I quickly got on the phone and called two of the prettiest women I know in Wilmington and they were amazing and so cool to oblige with such short notice. Somehow I feel it was cheating that I got to shoot them instead because they both are truly flawless. It took little to no effort to make them beautiful and they both know their way around modeling techniques and bring their own personalities and style to the table. I didn't have to tell them anything or do anything... them just being was enough to get the perfect photo. So honestly I think it was a blessing the other girls dropped. The other real gem in all of this was my one model who brought her entire wardrobe trailer and outfitted all of the girls that I shot in authentic vintage gear! You can't ask for that kind of luck!

So the next step is gathering everyone out to come to the voting party which is November 16th at 7pm-10pm at Orton's Pool Hall 133 N.Front Street, Wilmington, NC

The party will introduce two contests: One contest has the invited photographers competing for the top prize: Cover shot on the calendar and $100. For the other contest, the models will compete for the coveted “Hottest Model” distinction, with the winner receiving $50. Photographs will be displayed and party attendees will vote on the respective categories. Besides the live gallery voting, interested voters can also visit to judge the photographs and models from a posted slideshow. The winners will be determined upon completion of the voting.

After that...

December 7th Orton's will be throwing another party for the release of the calendar where you can come in and pick one up! The girls and the photographers will be there for autographs if the general public wants one.

And I know since it will be a while before anyone really catches on to the blog I will go ahead and post my favorite.

main FB event is located here

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