Sunday, November 11, 2012

Our Calendar Girls are Cookin'

Online voting is up and going for Men Ink's Calendar Girls! And these chicks are cookin'! It's a close race but you have till Friday to get your vote on if you are not attending the actual party to vote. First vote on your favorite image here. You can only vote once so make it count! My shots are #'s 1-8
Model: Adrienne O'Docharty

Models Pictured from left to right: Scott Parks, Carol Anne Watts, Adrienne O'Docharty, Morgan Pereenboom Aldridge, Stephania Schmidt, David Harding, Mary Grey Johnson

Model: Stephania Schmidt

You can also vote for the most beautiful model... show these girls some love they really worked hard for Men Ink and me!

Model: Heather Philip

Model: Morgan Pereenboom Aldridge

Model: Adrienne O'Docharty

Model: Morgan Pereenboom Aldridge

November 16th at 7pm - 10pm at Orton's (133 N. Front Street, Wilmington, NC) is the exhibit and live voting party. So come out, have a couple of cocktails and show your support!

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