Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the personal representation

Levitation Photography

The first question that would come to mind about mine or anyone's photography, had I been asked, would be ... "is it original thought?" The second would be "what message does it convey?" I often tend to look at my photography as more of an artform than the typical straight wedding, family, children's shoot. I want my work to take with it a little more depth than the average snapshot or over the mantel portrait and the client to take home something original that can stand on it's own. I always want the photographs to represent something genuine and more so, I want to create something very specific, unusual or personal for each client. This is my goal.

Above you will see an example of "levitation photography." Granted, there is now a wide variety of this style of photography available. I think we can all thank Brooke Shaden for the movement it has created. Though, honestly, I don't believe anyone could carry it as well as she. My goal when I brought Ms. Shaden to Wilmington, NC was to learn something new and innovative from her.  And, of course, to provide Wilmington with something different and untapped. There were no intentions to mimic or recreate but to incorporate into the daily aspects of what I am producing. This, in a small town, would be considered a niche of sorts. Of course, as with anything in the forefront, there would be a bandwagon effect. I feel, as someone that digs emotionally into her clients psyche's and tries to show what lies beneath, that the effect will stand on it's own despite various reproductions.

The above study was a photograph from the actual class done in Brooke's fashion albeit with not so much of the refining that she is known for. The photograph entitled "Shelter" depicts someone being swept away as another takes shelter underneath her whirlwind. This was specifically created from Brooke's class for Brooke's class and is in no way intended to shadow her style but only to show the learning process. As the blog progresses you will see tiny attributes to this in each photograph.

Descriptively I would say my photography lends towards the ethereal. I want to depict everyone in a beautiful, enchanting light. Though this is sometimes in a dark way, it is really up to the client in which way they would like to be perceived. I actually enjoy both immensely, feeling they are both a part of one another.


Photoshop. For the longest time I was opposed to photoshop because in my head it was "cheating". Respectfully, it took the teaching old dog new tricks theory to banish that thought process. I mean who wants to be thought of as an old dog? I graduated art school in 1992 and there were no second chances, it was all film, all in camera or nothing. That is the old dog talking... However, as a constant challenge for myself, I hang onto the "Get it in Camera theory"and Photoshop comes second. Below is an example of this idea. We use elaborate sets, locations, props etc. to create the effect first and foremost in the camera and the rest comes secondary. In essence, this creates quite an adventure for the client as well as a whole new level of fun and a one of a kind experience. 

location, pyrotechnics, smoke, available light and creativity

elaborate prop, life size nest built, 20 ft oak tree, fearless model

Hopefully all of this will give you some insight on how I see things when approached about doing a shoot. That what you can expect is 100% of my attention and more so, attention to detail, you and the artful creation that will occur! I most certainly still do regular photography. I will gladly do weddings, head shots, family sessions, children or anything you can think of. Just know, with Christina Cole Photography, it will be a full concentration on you and what you want conveyed in each shot, in a fun atmosphere and professional manner.  

For now more examples of my work can be viewed here until there is more fodder loaded in these blog pages...

Contact me directly at: or 910-547-0960

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